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Boyup Brook Railway Station Precinct


Heritage Council

Place Number

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Railway Pde/Dickson St Boyup Brook

Location Details

Includes the Railway station & railway barracks (previously HCWA P3160). The site contains several former railway carriages, tracks, a crane, station buildings, goods store, transportable accomodation and a brick toilet block.

Local Government

Boyup Brook


South West

Construction Date

Constructed from 1909

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents More information
Heritage List Adopted 12 May 2015 Shire of Boyup Brook

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
RHP - Assessed - Consultation (Preliminary) Current 25 Feb 2005

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management More information
Category Description
Municipal Inventory Adopted 18 Aug 1996

Shire of Boyup Brook


• The place is associated with the expansion of the rail network throughout the south-west to facilitate the development of the agricultural industry.
• The place is associated with the economic and social development of the town of Boyup Brook.
• The place is representative of an early 20th century rural railway station.

Physical Description

The Railway Station is located on Railway Parade, which runs adjacent to and parallel with Boyup Brook at the northern end of the town.
The site contains several former railway carriages, tracks, a crane, station building, Goods Store, transportable accommodation, and a brick toilet block.
The site is accessed from the west, along a bituminised drive off Railway Parade, and is bound by Railway Parade to the south, the Boyup Brook to the north, and open railway reserve to the east and west. It is orientated along the railway tracks in an east west axis, with the station building, former carriages, transportable and toilet block located on the northern side of the main railway tracks, and the Goods Store and crane to the south.
The Station building is a single storey, simple timber frame and corrugated iron structure with weatherboard cladding. It has a rectangular plan form, half hipped roof with vented gabled ridge, battened eaves, simple corbelled brick chimney and southern, bracketed veranda contained within the main roof. The northern veranda has been enclosed, detracting from the original symmetrical form of the place.
Immediately east of the Station building is a slightly intrusive steel framed and weatherboard transportable structure. A small brick and iron toilet block with gabled roof, battened eaves and timber framed, fixed louvered windows is located about 20 meters further east of the transportable. The Goods Store, located opposite and slightly south of the Railway Station building, is a double volume, simple timber framed and corrugated iron clad structure with skillion roof form, high level small paned windows and a large rolling door to each end. The crane/weigh remains in good working order and is located just beyond the east end of the Goods Store, over the remaining extant railway lines.
West of the Railway Station building are several former railway carriages, now converted for use as offices.
The Railway Barracks are located to the Southeast of the Railway Station. The original 8 roomed building comprised a series of weatherboard cabins. The building has been altered and extended over the years and is now used to provide tourist accommodation.


The Boyup Brook Railway Station is historically and socially significant as it is representative of the arrival of the railway in 1909. The railway provided the major impetus for the development of the town and was an important service for the agricultural industry in the region.


Integrity- Moderate
Authenticity- High


Boyup Brook Railway Station Group is in good condition. Currently (2004) there does not appear to be any overarching management of the place, with separate organizations occupying and sub-leasing from the Shire.


Name Type Year From Year To
PWD (Railways) Architect - -

Place Type

Precinct or Streetscape


Epoch General Specific
Original Use Transport\Communications Rail: Railway Station
Original Use Transport\Communications Rail: Housing or Quarters
Original Use Transport\Communications Rail: Other
Present Use Transport\Communications Rail: Railway Station

Architectural Styles


Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron
Wall TIMBER Weatherboard

Historic Themes

General Specific
OCCUPATIONS Grazing, pastoralism & dairying
TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS Rail & light rail transport

Creation Date

18 Jun 1991

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

08 Jul 2022


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