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Ellis House


National Trust of Western Australia

Place Number

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116-118 Milne St Bayswater

Location Details

Cnr Milne & Neville Sts

Local Government




Construction Date

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents More information
Heritage List Adopted 25 Feb 2020 City of Bayswater

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
RHP - Assessed - Below Threshold Current 31 Jan 1997

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management More information
Category Description
Municipal Inventory Adopted 24 Feb 1998 Classification 1

Classification 1

These sites have exceptional significance and are important at a local, state or regional level. These places are included on the State Register of Heritage Places or are significant sites owned by the City of Bayswater.

City of Bayswater
Local Heritage Survey Adopted 25 Feb 2020 Classification 1

Classification 1

These sites have exceptional significance and are important at a local, state or regional level. These places are included on the State Register of Heritage Places or are significant sites owned by the City of Bayswater.

City of Bayswater
Classified by the National Trust YES 21 Jul 1997

Register of the National Estate Removed from RNE

Heritage Council

Statement of Significance

This is an idiosyncratic house and as such is not typical of a particular style, but is characteristic of houses built by British migrant owners around the time of the Great War. Those in Bayswater were generally not builders, but skilled tradesmen of various types and they built individualistic houses, often elaborated given limited resources, as they were completed over many years. Thus, the house is significant as the type of architectural accomplishment typical of British migrants.

The house is significant due to its association with the way of life of British migrants who frequently arrived in Bayswater to life in a tent and built their homes in stages.

It is also associated with the development of Bayswater and the outer metropolitan area generally around the time of the Great War, when such building was occurring in areas that were then rural, and is significant as a result. In Bayswater, most of the larger British built houses were in rural parts of the district in wide open spaces.

As a dairy farm house on land close to the riverbank, Ellis House was originally part of the agricultural landscape in that part of the district. When land in early Bayswater was subdivided, that closest to the river was generally sold in large allotments for farming.

The house is already visited by local school parties, thus giving it educational value.

It also has great social significance as a remnant of the Bayswater dairy industry. The area was once an important centre of metropolitan dairying. Few traces of the dairy industry now remain.

Original wooden farm houses built in what are now the inner suburbs of Perth are rare as they have been overtaken by later building, and are thus significant. As many were self-built, they are not typically the type of house which later owners wished to preserve. Ellis House, therefore, is a rare example of both a British self built house and a metropolitan farm house.

Physical Description

Ellis House is a timber-framed weatherboard and iron-roofed house with a hipped roof and verandahs back and front supported on full height timber posts. Windows are mostly triple frame with two opening casements and a fixed central pane.

The recent restoration and refurbishment has reconstructed the distinctive original viewing platform on the roof. It is understood that the platform was built to take advantage of the view across the river to the racetrack.


Ellis House was the residence on the dairy belonging to the Ellis family, British migrants of 1911. It is significant for its connections with the dairying industry, with the arrival of British migrants in the Bayswater Shire and their subsequent home-building and pioneering activities and with the present-day rediscovery of Bayswater's heritage.

Dairying was a major economic activity in the Bayswater Shire before the Second World War. The Ellis dairy was a small family operation, of a type described as "the billy-can brigade". There are few traces of the local dairying industry now remaining, and therefore it is an old homestead of great historic value.

Many British migrants came to Bayswater in the era from the Great War and built their own houses, reflecting great dreams and limited resources. Ellis House, with its individual touches, is a classic example. It represents George Fox Ellis' life work, and was built in stages over many years whilst the family lived firstly in a tent and then in a shack, before finally in two rooms of the house.

Ellis House has recently been restored and made the centrepiece of a landscaped area with a nature walk. In time to come, it will be part of the history of Bayswater's upgrading of the river foreshore and revival of its pioneering heritage.

State Heritage Office library entries

Library Id Title Medium Year Of Publication
9531 Swan and Helena rivers management framework: heritage audit and statement of significance, final report 26 February 2009. Heritage Study {Other} 2009
9530 Swan and Helena rivers regional recreational path development plan. Report 2009
7196 Conservation plan for colonial sites on the City of Bayswater foreshore. CONFIDENTIAL Heritage Study {Cons'n Plan} 2004
129 Conservation plan and report on the cultural heritage significance of Ellis House, Lot 105 Milne St, Bayswater, Western Australia. Heritage Study {Other} 1993

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence
Original Use FARMING\PASTORAL Homestead
Original Use INDUSTRIAL\MANUFACTURING Dairy, Butter or Cheese Factory

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron
Wall TIMBER Weatherboard

Historic Themes

General Specific
OCCUPATIONS Grazing, pastoralism & dairying

Creation Date

18 Aug 1992

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

02 Mar 2021


This information is provided voluntarily as a public service. The information provided is made available in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, the information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.