
City of Fremantle

Place Number



Rocky Bay North Fremantle

Location Details

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1982

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List YES 08 Mar 2007

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 18 Sep 2000 Level 3

Parent Place or Precinct

22385 North Fremantle Precinct

Statement of Significance

Burford Road Park has aesthetic value for its contribution to the surrounding area. It also has historical significance for its associations with the former Burford Soap Factory.

Physical Description

Burford Road Park is a small grassed corner site with timber bollards along the perimeter. Small trees dotted throughout the park. There is some children's play equipment.


Burford Road Park was vested in City of Fremantle 1982 (Reserve 37358 and Reserve 37359). The park is located above the Burford Soap Factory tunnel, which is visible in the cliffs and is an important area of open space for the community near the Rocky Bay foreshore. [See entry for Burfords Soap Factory, 51 Rule Street for further information.] This place was included in the "North Fremantle Heritage Study", prepared by Craig Burton, for the City of Fremantle, June 1994. This place has been identified in 'Fremantle's Landscape: A Study for the Municipal Inventory' as being of cultural heritage significance'.


High degree of integrity (original intent clear, current use compatible, high long term sustainability). High degree of authenticity with much original fabric remaining. (These statements based on street survey only).


Condition assessed as good (assessed from streetscape survey only).

Place Type



Epoch General Specific
Present Use PARK\RESERVE Park\Reserve
Original Use PARK\RESERVE Park\Reserve

Historic Themes

General Specific
SOCIAL & CIVIC ACTIVITIES Environmental awareness

Creation Date

20 Jul 2011

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

22 Mar 2019


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