
City of Fremantle

Place Number



7 Wood St Fremantle

Location Details

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1905

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted Level 3

Parent Place or Precinct

26090 Holland/Forrest Street Heritage Area

Statement of Significance

House, 7 Wood Street is a single storey timber and iron house dating from c1905. It has aesthetic value for its contribution to the streetscape and the surrounding area. It is representative of the typical building stock and of working people’s living conditions within the residential areas of Fremantle. The place is significant as an example of Fremantle’s vernacular architecture.

Physical Description

House, 7 Wood Street is a single storey timber and Zincalume single faced house constructed in a Fremantle vernacular style of architecture. Walls are weatherboard clad. The roof is gabled and clad with Zincalume/Colorbond. There is a Zincalume clad awning across the façade. There is a skillion infill addition on the northern side of the house. There is a painted masonry high wall to the front boundary which obscures visibility of the place.


Lot 3. The 1915 sewerage map (No. 2068) is damaged and is not readable in the area where No 7 is. There is one house to the north of it, facing Wood Street (No. 3). The 1947 aerial photograph (Landgate) shows the house with mature trees around it, similar to those in the adjacent park on the west (rear boundary) of the lot. Later aerial photos (Landgate) show that the house has not been largely altered. There were two houses in the block between Forrest and Holland Streets from 1905, which may have been Nos. 3 and 7. William Gregg was an early resident and may have been the original occupant of No. 7. However, in PO Directories, numbers were not allocated to houses until 1940, which makes establishing a date of construction difficult. A William McDonald was living in the house at that time.

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Original Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence

Architectural Styles


Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Zincalume
Wall TIMBER Weatherboard

Historic Themes

General Specific

Creation Date

19 Mar 2019

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

04 Jun 2021


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